Lucas Layman, PhD

Associate Professor
Software Engineering Program Coordinator
Dept. of Computer Science, UNCW.


601 S. College Rd.

Campus Box 5935

Wilmington, NC 28403

I research human factors in software engineering and computer security with forays into machine learning and analytics.

Office Hours

Tuesday, 9-11a

Spring 2025 Courses

  • CSC 315-001 – Mobile Applications Development
  • SENG 201-001 – Software Engineering Fundamentals

Research Opportunities

I am seeking undergraduate and graduate researchers for multiple research projects beginning in Fall 2025. Please reach out if interested.

1. Novel Authentication Library for Android and iOS

Passwords are tedious and tokens can be stolen. This project will work with an external sponsor to implement an existing patent to implement a more user-friendly authentication and re-authentication process.

  • Write a mobile application library and web server backend that provides novel, gesture- and memory-based authentication.
  • Open to: CSC Undergraduate Honors Thesis or MSCSIS Capstone/Thesis.
  • Requirements: Must be familiar with Android, iOS, or cross-platform development tools. Strong object-oriented programming skills required.
  • I’m interested!
2. Sector-Programmable Touchpad Interface

Laptop touchpads are ubiquitous and have the potential to serve as context-aware button interface based on tap coordinates. This project will work with an external sponsor to implement an existing patent.

  • Write a native desktop application for MacOS (Swift) that recognizes location taps on a touchpad and allows the user to bind the taps to specific commands depending on context.
  • Open to: Undergraduate DIS or MSCSIS capstone..
  • Requirements: Strong object-oriented programming skills required. Familiarity with C# or Swift preferred.
  • I’m interested!