Assignment 2 - Unit testing

Practice implementing and testing simple functions.

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Updates - Sep 23

  • Due date extended to Sunday, Sep 29
  • Added requirement to create control flow graphs (CFGs) for source functions.


The goal of this assignment is to gain more practice with the tools we have used so far, including implementing a unit test with pytest.


The assignment is to be completed alone. Refer to the Syllabus for policies on what is allowed and what is not.


  1. Create an assn2/ subdirectory in your seng-201/ directory using the CLI.
  2. Download
    • If using WSL, use the Explorer to drag to to your home folder on the Ubuntu side.
  3. Use the CLI to move into the new assn2/ directory.


  1. Put your name at the top.
  2. You may not change the main() function in any way.
  3. You may add to the __main__ block to help test if you want.
  4. Complete the functions calculate_average() and determine_grade() according to their docstring descriptions:
    • The docstring tells you what the function must do, the parameters passed to it, the type that must be returned, and any exceptions you need to raise.
    • You may not add any parameters, change the return type, or add to or alter the exceptions required.
    • You must not call print() or input() from these functions.


You will be create a test file and run it using pytest.

  1. Create a test file for
  2. Put your name at the top of your test file in a comment.
  3. Write one or more test cases in your test file for calculate_average().
    • The test case must invoke calculate_average() by providing a list, e.g., calculate_average([1,2,6]). Use assert statements to ensure the computed value is correct. You should have multiple asserts to check the calculation.
    • You must write test cases that check the exceptional conditions that raise value errors. Refer to the lab on testing for exceptions.
  4. Write one or more test cases in your test file for determine_grade(). This function does not knowingly raise exceptions, so you do not need to test for them. Test only for expected output given an input.


  • (15 pts): Your implementation of calculate_average() passes my test cases, which exercises all the details of the function’s docstring.
  • (10 pts): Your implementation of determine_grade() passes my test cases, which exercises all the details of the function’s docstring.
  • (15 pts): (NEW REQUIREMENT) Create a control flow graph (CFG) for each of your implementations of calculate_average() and determine_grade() following the rules from class.
    • You may use an online flow chart tool such as, Canva, or Lucidchart.
    • You may draw your CFG on paper and take a picture. Ensure it is legible.
    • In both cases, export your CVG image to a PDF to submit to Canvas.
  • (25 pts): Your test file can be run using pytest, has multiple test cases, and thoroughly tests the parameters, returns, computations, and exceptions raised of the functions as specified by their docstrings.
  • Your assignment will receive a score of 0 pts for any of the following:
    • print() or input() statements in calculate_average() or determine_grade()
    • Changing main() in any way
    • Changing the method signature of calculate_average() or determine_grade()
    • Your code or tests fail due to syntax error.

Submission due Sep 29

Submit your, your test file, and your CFG PDF file to the Canvas assignment page.

Last modified September 23, 2024.