More practice

Additional samples for you to practice on.

Use these files to practice your debugging skills with the Visual Studio Code debugger. Look for the keyword BUG in the files on how to expose the error.

All of these files have simple, one-line fixes.

  1. expected output
    This program tells you what the nth Fibonacci number is.
    Enter a number for n: 4
    Fibonacci number 4 is: 3
    This program tells you what the nth Fibonacci number is.
    Enter a number for n: 7
    Fibonacci number 7 is: 13
  2. expected output
    Total price after discounts: 2250.0
    The most expensive item is: Laptop which costs 1200
  3. expected output
    Inventory Management System
    1. Add item
    2. Remove item
    3. Check stock
    4. Exit
    Choose an option: 1
    Enter item name: apple
    Enter quantity: 10
    Added 10 of apple. Total: 10
    Inventory Management System
    1. Add item
    2. Remove item
    3. Check stock
    4. Exit
    Choose an option: 2
    Enter item name: apple
    Enter quantity to remove: 15
    Error: Not enough stock of apple to remove.   <--- note change!
    Inventory Management System
    1. Add item
    2. Remove item
    3. Check stock
    4. Exit
    Choose an option: 1
    Enter item name: orange
    Enter quantity: 10
    Added 10 of orange. Total: 10
    Inventory Management System
    1. Add item
    2. Remove item
    3. Check stock
    4. Exit
    Choose an option: 2
    Enter item name: orange
    Enter quantity to remove: 10
    Removed 10 of orange. Remaining: 0
    orange is out of stock.         <--- note change!
Last modified February 4, 2025.