10. Code-level Design

Best practices for organizing functionality.

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We make references to “writing code the right way”, but that is secondary to getting the correct answer. After all, how can you get a good grade if it doesn’t work?

In software engineering, everything needs to work, but doing it the right way is equally important. Why?

  • Because you are on a team, and someone else may have to understand and edit your code. Including your future self. We call this understandability.
  • Poorly-implemented solutions are more difficult to change without introducing bugs. We call this maintainability.
  • Poorly-implemented solutions may work with small data, but become intolerable with millions of records. We call this efficiency.
  • Overly-specific solutions that make assumptions about the data will break when encountering “the real world”. Avoiding this is called robustness.

The Rules

These characteristics are the result of your code design. The labs in these sections will go through code-level design principles that you, the developer, are responsible for when writing code.

We will start with a relatively simple program then add functionality to it.

In extending this program, we will implement the following design rules that will help improve the understandability, maintainability, efficiency, and robustness of the software:

  1. Separate input/output logic from business logic.
  2. Functions should have a single responsibility.
  3. Handle errors at the lowest sensible level, and re-raise/re-throw them otherwise.
  4. Raise specific errors and define your own if needed.
  5. Avoid magic literals.
  6. DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and the Rule of Three.

You should write those down. We will explore them in-depth in turn.

Example program

Imagine you are a bank teller working an old command-line console that provides access to customer’s bank accounts. The program does not do much right now, but we will add to it.

Do the following:

  1. Create a subdirectory named bank-accounts/ in your seng-201/ directory.
  2. Download the following files and put them in the bank-accounts/ directory:
    • process_accounts.py: the main program file that you run.
    • bankaccount.py: defines a BankAccount class that is used by the program.
    • accounts.csv: a plain text file in Comma-Separate Value (CSV) format. Open it in a text editor (like Visual Studio Code) and also in a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets. CSV is a common way of sharing tabular data in plain text.
      • You can read the CSV file in Python the same way you do a plain text file.
      • The first line of the CSV file contains the column headers – descriptive names for each comma-separated value.
      • Each line of the accounts.csv file represents one bank account.
      • The format for each line is <AccountNumber>,<FirstName>,<LastName>,<AccountBalance>,<DateOpened>,<DateOfLastTransaction>
    • accounts_bad_numbers.csv: a data file with strings where there should be numbers.
    • accounts_missing_columns.csv: a data file that contains only <AccountNumber>,<FirstName>,<LastName>
    • accounts_expanded.csv: more columns added.
    • progress.jpg: a file we will use for testing.
  3. Run process_accounts.py. Select the menu option to view an account, then enter an account number from the CSV file. You should see the account data. Some sample accounts:
    • 796505
    • 872934

Rules 1–2

Make sure you have all the files from above in a bank-accounts/ directory.

End of Day 1

Here is the code for process_accounts.py at the end of the first lecture: process_accounts.py.

Rules 3–4

End of Day 2

Here is the code for process_accounts.py at the end of the second lecture: process_accounts.py.

accounts_expanded.csv: more columns added.

Last modified October 15, 2024.