Testing for exceptions

How to test for expected exceptions.

Before you start

If necessary, fix up your sample.py so that all your test cases pass.

Testing for exceptions

Sometimes, the expected behavior of a function is that it throws an exception. How do we test for expected exceptions given an input?

Suppose we want reverse_string() to work only for strings containing the letters [a–z] and to throw an exception if the string contains any other characters. Change reverse_string() in sample.py to the following:

def reverse_string(s):
    if not s.isalpha():
        raise ValueError('letters a-z only')
    return s[::-1]

This is appropriate given the requirements of reverse_string(). It returns a reversed str input under normal circumstances, but raises an exception under abnormal circumstances, a.k.a., exceptional conditions from our problem statement structure.

“Raising” and “throwing” an exception are the same thing. You will hear both terms in practice. The keyword in Python is raise, and exceptions in Python always end with the string Error, e.g., ValueError or IndexError.


  1. Define a new test case in test_sample.py named test_reverse_exception and add a call to sample.reverse_string with an input that will trigger the exception.
  2. Run pytest. You should see a test summary similar to the following:
================================= short test summary info =================================
FAILED test_sample.py::test_reverse - ValueError: letters a-z only
FAILED test_sample.py::test_reverse_exception - ValueError: letters a-z only
=============================== 2 failed, 2 passed in 0.06s ===============================

I have two test failures: the new test case I created, and the original test_reverse. This is because test_reverse in my code contains the call assert sample.reverse_string(''). The empty string does not consist of the letters [a–z], so an exception is correctly raised.

This is an important lesson: as program code evolves, so too might the test code. Move the assert sample.reverse_string('') to the test_reverse_exception test case where it logically belongs.

Your test cases for reverse_string should now look something like this:

def test_reverse():
    assert sample.reverse_string("press") == "sserp"  # checking result for equality with expected
    assert sample.reverse_string("alice") == "ecila"

def test_reverse_exception():

Verifying expected exceptions with pytest

Our assert statements only check the return values of functions. pytest provides a convenient helper function to check if an exception was raised.

First, add the line import pytest to the top of your test code file test_sample.py.

Second, change test_reverse_exception to the following:

def test_reverse_exception():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):   # the pytest.raises comes from the imported pytest module
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:  # we can optionally capture the exception in a variable
    assert str(err.value) == "letters a-z only"  # convert the exception to a str and verify the error message

A few things of note:

  • pytest.raises(...) requires that you specify the type of exception. In our case, we expect a ValueError to be raised.
  • We can optionally capture the exception itself. That’s what as err does on line 22. err is a variable (name it whatever you want) that captures the exception.
  • On line 24, we can call str(err) to convert the exception to a string. That error message should be "letters a-z only", which comes from the line raise ValueError('letters a-z only') in sample.py.

This test case would fail if reverse_string() did not raise an exception


  1. Comment out the if-statement and exception raising lines in reverse_string() and rerun pytest. How does the pytest output for an expected exception differ from a failed assert?

Checking exception values

Checking the exception message is useful because we may want our function to raise ValueErrors under different circumstances. For example, maybe we want to raise a ValueError for the empty string that says ‘string cannot be empty’, and a different ValueError for letters a-z only.

Why would you want to raise two different ValueErrors? Because it tells the caller of reverse_string() what they did wrong and how to fix it. It’s similar rationale to why we split our assert statements and our test cases into multiple instances to get more precise info.


  1. Put the if-statement and exception raising back in reverse_string(). Add an if-statement at the beginning of the function to check if the input parameter is the empty string. If so, raise ValueError('string must not be empty'). Re-run pytest. What happens?
  2. Modify your test_reverse_string so that both with pytest.raises(...) calls capture the error as in line 22. Add/modify assert statements to verify that the appropriate error message is in the exception.


We accomplished a couple significant things in this lab:

  1. We installed the pytest package using pip. Again, you only need to do this once.
  2. We ran pytest, which scans for files and functions named test_* and runs them.
  3. pytest collects test case successes and failures independently from one another, allowing us to get more information with each run of our test code.
  4. pytest displays a summary of the results in human-friendly format.

Knowledge check

  • Question: (True/False) Raising and throwing exceptions are two different things.
  • Question: Why should you not exception logic in the same test case where you test “normal” logic?
  • Write a code block using pytest that checks that the determine_priority(str) function correctly throws a TypeError when passed anything other than a string.
  • Question: What happens when running pytest and the program code raises an exception that you do not expect?
Last modified February 17, 2025.