Location - On Demand

  1. Objectives
  2. Code along
  3. Introduction
    1. Privacy
  4. Boilerplate
  5. Adding location support to your Flutter project
    1. For Android
    2. For iOS, web, and other platforms
  6. Getting Ready
  7. Asking for Permission
  8. Obtaining location data
    1. Playing with position
      1. On the Android Emulator
    2. On the iOS Simulator
  9. Indicating progress
  10. Conclusion
  11. Completed Code


Code along



Smartphones are computers in your pocket, and portability is their hallmark. Apps use device location information to provide navigation instructions, targeted ads, and to record workout routines.

Location is usually reported as latitude and longitude pair in decimal degrees. For example, the UNCW Clock Tower sits are roughly 34.2271592 latitude,-77.8729786 longitude. This is often condensed to (34.2271592,-77.8729786)

There are three strategies for determining the location of a smartphone.

  1. Cell towers (least accurate)- your phone is signaling nearby cell phone towers. The phone companies know the latitude and longitude of these towers, and can trilaterate your location based on signal strength. The accuracy is generally very poor between 500-1500m.
  2. Wifi positioning (variable accuracy) - your phone is signaling nearby wifi access points. Some companies, like Google, have huge databases of where specific wifi access points are in latitude and longitude coordinates. Again, using trilateration, your phone can be positioned within 10m-25m depending on how many wifi points are nearby.
  3. GPS: Global Positioning System (most accurate) - GPS is a satellite constellation owned by the US military. Most smartphones (and other GPS-enabled devices) have a special circuit that receives the GPS satellite signals. It trilaterates signals from a satellite constellation owned by the US military. Assuming a decent GPS signal, location is accurate to around 3m.

Your Android or iPhone has native libraries that can help retrieve the device’s location using cell tower, wifi, or GPS positioning. But, deciding which to use can be quite complicated. There is a tradeoff between accuracy and power consumption. GPS is the most accurate, but consumes nearly as much power as having your screen on all the time. The native libraries Android and iPhone provide use algorithms that balance this tradeoff for you, and use some tricks like sharing recent positions between apps that need location information.


Location information is private information, and many users are protective of their location data. You should only use location data if necessary. Both the Google and Apple app stores require you to document how you use location information, and require you to obtain special user permission to collect location information when your app is in the background.

In this lab, we will demonstrate how to obtain your phone’s location on-demand, for example, like when you want to record the location of a favorite place.


Create a new Flutter project from the Command Palette (View -> Command Palette) named location_sampler. Add the following files to your project lib/ folder:

You should see a home screen like the following:

Home screen with two location buttons

Adding location support to your Flutter project

Flutter does not provide location support libraries out of the box. We must rely on third-party libraries instead. We will use the geolocator library, which is popular and actively maintained.

First, open pubspec.yaml and add the line geolocator: ^11.0.0 to the dependencies section. Save the file, which should prompt VS Code to download the library. Open the Command Palette and run “Pub: Get Packages” for good measure.

For Android

For geolocator to work on Android, open the file android/app/build.gradle and change the line

compileSdkVersion flutter.compileSdkVersion


compileSdkVersion 34

Next open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml. Add the following line between the <manifest ...> tag and the <application ... tag.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

Android manifest permissions

This effectively warns Android that your app plans to request location information. Android would deny you access to location information if you didn’t put this in. Now, Android will require you to ask the user for permission to gather location information.

For iOS, web, and other platforms

Refer to the Usage instructions here for configuring iOS, web, and other platforms.

Getting Ready

On this screen, the plan is to have:

  1. a button at the top that the user clicks to “get position”
  2. a list of the positions the user has obtains in a ListView
  3. a “clear” button to reset the list.

Let’s get the framework in place to show that now that we have added the geolocator to our project. Change on_demand.dart to the following:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:geolocator/geolocator.dart';

class OnDemandScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const OnDemandScreen({super.key});

  State<OnDemandScreen> createState() => _OnDemandScreenState();

class _OnDemandScreenState extends State<OnDemandScreen> {
  List<Position> positions = [];

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("On Demand Location")),
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: [
            ElevatedButton(onPressed: () {}, child: const Text("Get Location")),
            if (positions.isEmpty)
              const Expanded(child: Text("No positions yet.")),
            if (positions.isNotEmpty)
                child: ListView.builder(
                  itemCount: positions.length,
                  itemBuilder: (context, index) => Padding(
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
                    child: Text(
                        "${positions[index].latitude} ${positions[index].longitude} ${positions[index].accuracy}"),
              onPressed: () => setState(() => positions.clear()),
              child: const Text("Clear"),

Your “On Demand Location” screen should now look like this:

On Demand Location starter page

Nothing is functional on the screen yet. A few things to note:

The next step is to make that “Get Location” button get our location, but first, we have to ask for permission…

Asking for Permission

Permissions are the general term for granting an app access to potentially sensitive information on your phone. You probably have seen screens similar to the one below:

Permission Request samples

Apple and Android want app users to be aware that apps are accessing potentially sensitive data. Consequently, the operating system blocks access to certain resources until the app asks for and obtains the user’s express consent.

In general, your app should only ask for sensitive data that it needs to do it’s job. Both iOS and Android provide extensive requirements and guidelines and accessing sensitive data. If you publish your app on one of the app stores, you will have to attest (under penalty of law) as to how you are using this data. Protected data includes:

One important nuance of permissions is that users can change permissions at any time. Users can go into the Android or iOS Settings and remove app permissions from there, not just inside your app. So, you cannot assume that just because you obtained permission once, that those permissions are still in place. Thus, you must always check if you have permission in every block of code that accesses protected data.

Obtaining location data

The geolocator library will take care of the complex logic of obtaining location data for us. Most of the logic we need to concern ourselves with in Flutter is properly obtaining permission from the user to get location data.

So, before we can get a location reading, we have to meet a two preconditions:

  1. the device has location enabled. iOS and Android user’s can switch off “location services” or be in airplane mode. We cannot get a location reading if location services are disabled.
  2. the user must grant permission to access location data. The geolocator package will help us check these preconditions, but we are going to need to show a message to the user if the preconditions are not met.

Make the following changes to _OnDemandScreenState:

  1. Add String? error as a class variable. This will hold the error message we want to display to the user.
  2. Add the following after our “Get Location” ElevatedButton:
    if (error != null)
     style: TextStyle(
         color: Colors.red[900],
         fontSize: 18,
         fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),

    Now the build() method will display the error variable as text when error != null.

We will obtain location permission and collect the reading from the geolocator in the same method.Both of those actions are asynchronous, so we need to create a custom async method. Add the following method inside the _OnDemandScreenState class:

  /// Determine the current position of the device.
  /// When the location services are not enabled or permissions
  /// are denied the `Future` will return an error.
  _determinePosition() async {
    error = null;

    // Test if location services are enabled.
    bool serviceEnabled = await Geolocator.isLocationServiceEnabled();
    if (!serviceEnabled) {
      // Location services are not enabled don't continue
      // accessing the position and request users of the
      // App to enable the location services.
      error = 'Location services are disabled.';

    LocationPermission permission = await Geolocator.checkPermission();
    if (permission == LocationPermission.denied) {
      permission = await Geolocator.requestPermission();
      if (permission == LocationPermission.denied) {
        // Permissions are denied, next time you could try
        // requesting permissions again.
        // Your App should show an explanatory UI now.
        error = 'Location permissions are denied';

    if (permission == LocationPermission.deniedForever) {
      // Permissions are denied forever, handle appropriately.
      error = 'Location permissions are permanently denied, we cannot request permissions.';

    // Check that everything okay, then access the position of the device.
    if (error == null) {
      // This await blocks execution.
      Position pos = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition();

    // Trigger the rebuild.
    setState(() {});

Finally, make the call _determinePosition(); inside the “Get Location” button’s onPressed property.

Have a look at the _determinePosition() method. The logical flow is this:

  1. The user presses the “Get Location” button.
  2. The method clears the error message if it exists.
  3. Check that location services are enabled. If not, set the error message.
  4. Check if the user has already granted permission.
  5. If not, ask for it. The GeoLocator.requestPermission() call will launch a dialog box and collect the user response for you. Set the error message if the user denies it.
  6. If the user has permanently denied location permission (this is an option on Android), set the error message.
  7. If you get to the bottom and error has not been set, then all preconditions are met and we call Geolocator.getCurrentPosition() to read the latitude/longitude coordinate from the device. We append the resulting Position to the positions list variable.
  8. Finally, we call setState() to trigger a rebuild and either show the error message or the new position in the list.

Here is what it looks like in action when the user grants permission:

To demonstrate what happens when permission is denied, you can either uninstall the app from the device or go into the device Settings and revoke the location permission for the location_sampler app. Here is what denying permission looks like:

Location permission denied message

Playing with position

If you are using a real device, the location will update as you walk around. If you are using the Android Emulator or the iOS simulator, you can control which “fake” coordinates the device provides.

On the Android Emulator

  1. Click the three dots at the bottom of the emulator menu.
  2. Click “Location” on the left-side nav menu.
  3. Type in an address to search for or the latitude and longitude you want.
  4. Click the “Set Location” button. The location provided to the emulator will now change. Setting location for the Android emulator

On the iOS Simulator

  1. Go to the Features menu -> Location
  2. Select one of the preset options, or select Custom Location to enter your own coordinates.

Indicating progress

You probably observed a delay when pressing the “Get Location” button. Sometimes obtaining the location is nearly instantaneous because the native location libraries already have the coordinates on hand, and sometimes there is a several second delay as the GPS circuitry fires up.

We should indicate to the user that their button press of “Get Location” has triggered an action, and that action may take a moment to complete. A circular spinner or similar indicator of “processing” will do the trick.

We are effectively going to add a new state to our StatefulWidget:

  1. The state where we do not yet have position readings. (positions.isEmpty)
  2. The state where we have position readings. (positions.isNotEmpty)
  3. The state where an error occurred. (error != null)
  4. The state where we have requested a location reading and are awaiting the result. We will need another state variable to help distinguish between all these states.

First, add a new class variable to _OnDemandScreenState:

bool isProcessing = false;

Second, modify the build method so that the “Get Location” button only shows when isProcessing is false. If isProcessing is true, show a CircularProgressIndicator. Modify the “Get Location” button part of the Column to:

if (!isProcessing)
      onPressed: () => _determinePosition(),
      child: const Text("Get Location")),
if (isProcessing) const CircularProgressIndicator(),

Finally, we need to toggle the isProcessing state variable appropriately. We will do that in _determinePosition(). We want to set isProcessing to true just before we ask the Geolocator for the position, and then set it to false once that is completed. Modify the if(error == null) { block of _determinePosition() as follows:

    // Check that everything okay, then access the position of the device.
    if (error == null) {
      // Trigger a rebuild to indicate the location is processing.
      setState(() => isProcessing = true);
      // This await blocks execution.
      Position pos = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition();
      isProcessing = false;

The final result should look like this:


The exact mechanisms for determining location depend on your device. Android, iOS, web, and desktop are all different. The GeoLocator library provides a simple interface to getting location in Flutter, and also handles asking the user for permission to access their location.

In the next lab, we will demonstrate how to stream location information constantly and react to changes in position.

Completed Code