Stateful Widgets

  1. Code along
  2. Stateless vs. Stateful Widgets
  3. StatefulWidget example
    1. Creating a new project
    2. Using VSCode templates for StatelessWidgets
      1. Aside: the const constructor
    3. Finishing the HomeScreen StatelessWidget
    4. Adding a Stateful widget and it’s State class
    5. Adding buttons and a counter
    6. Updating the state and the widget on button press
  4. Why not make everything a stateful widget?
  5. Key Takeaways
  6. Resources:

Code along

Stateless vs. Stateful Widgets

Flutter widgets are one of two types: stateless or stateful. All widget classes in Flutter inherit from either the StatelessWidget or StatefulWidget classes.

A stateless widget is one that does not change after it is first drawn on the screen. It is effectively immutable once rendered. Text, Padding, and BoxDecoration are all examples of stateless widgets. You can configure their style and content in the code, but once they are showing on the screen, they are not able to be changed.

A stateful widget is one that changes due to some user interaction or a data updating behind the scenes, like a private message arriving from the cloud. All StatefulWidgets have an associated State class. The State class is what manages the state, and by “state” we usually mean class variables that get updated in response to a button press or other user input. When creating a StatefulWidget we include code that updates some state (class variables usually), and invoke a specific function called setState() that tells Flutter to re-build the StatefulWidget using the new class data.

Flutter has several built-in stateful widgets. Checkboxes that show a checkmark or not depending on user taps are a simple example. Other built-in StatefulWidgets include radio buttons, sliders, tooltips, and even the base MaterialApp and Scaffold classes.

StatefulWidget example

Let’s build a simple app with a custom StatefulWidget. Suppose you’re working on an app that shows pictures of pets, and you can upvote or downvote that pet. Sounds dumb, but I’ve seen worse.

Creating a new project

Let’s build a new project from scratch.

  1. Open the VSCode Command Pallete (Control+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P) and do Flutter: New Project. Call the project rate_my_pet.
  2. Delete everything in main.dart
  3. Paste in the following:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(MaterialApp(title: "Rate My Pet", home: HomeScreen()));

Using VSCode templates for StatelessWidgets

The blueprints for all custom classes that extend StatelessWidget or StatefulWidgets are the same. VSCode can type out the blueprint for you.

  1. Below your main() method (which is broken currently), type the characters stle and you will see a tooltip. Select the “Flutter Stateless Widget” option: Stateless widget template option
  2. The widget’s class name will be highlighted. Type HomeScreen as the class name and VSCode will substitute it.
  3. FYI, you can select any variable, class, or method and hit F2 and VSCode will rename it for you.
  4. Your code should now look like this:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(MaterialApp(title: "Rate My Pet", home: HomeScreen()));

class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomeScreen({super.key}); 

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

Aside: the const constructor

Note the constructor line const HomeScreen({super.key}); You have undoubtedly been getting warnings from VSCode that you should “prefer const with constant constructors”. Here is one such “const constructor”.

What’s the point const? Well, it’s a performance optimization. Building widgets is expensive computationally. The concept of “constants” goes back to the early days of programming languages. Think of them as hard-coded values in your program. The Dart language compiler optimizes how such constants are stored and looked up when the program is actually running. Many of Flutter’s built-in Stateless widgets have const constructors because the const optimization that Dart does really adds up.

We will talk about “keys” in a later lab. For now, just leave the const HomeScreen({super.key}); as it is.

You can make that annoying warning on the runApp() line go away by putting const in front of the MaterialApp() constructor call:

runApp(const MaterialApp(title: "Rate My Pet", home: HomeScreen()));

Finishing the HomeScreen StatelessWidget

Let’s put in the code we need to create a basic app with an appbar. In the app, we’ll show a cute pet and its name. We need to add the pet’s image to our project as described in the Image Assets lab:

  1. Create the folder assets/images/ in your project’s root directory.
  2. Download pug.jpg and place it in that new folder.
  3. Edit pubspec.yaml and change the assets: section to the following:
     # To add assets to your application, add an assets section, like this:
         - assets/images/pug.jpg
     #   - images/a_dot_ham.jpeg
  4. Use the following code for your main.dart:
     import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
     void main() {
     runApp(const MaterialApp(title: "Rate My Pet", home: HomeScreen()));
     class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
     const HomeScreen({super.key}); // This is a "constant" (const) constructor.
     Widget build(BuildContext context) {
         return Scaffold(
             appBar: AppBar(
               title: const Text("Rate My Pet!"), // Using the Text widget's const constructor
               backgroundColor: Colors.grey[800],
               foregroundColor: Colors.white,
             backgroundColor: Colors.grey[900],
             body: Column(
             children: [
               Image.asset("assets/images/pug.jpg", width: 256),
                 style: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey[500], fontSize: 18),
               const Placeholder(), //This draws an x on the screen to indicate I plan to put something there.

Important Note: The pattern above is very common in Flutter. A MaterialApp widget is provided to runApp(), and this one MaterialApp widget is the framework on which all other widgets are built. We define a separate widget to function as the “home screen”. It will be extremely useful to encapsulate each logical “screen” in your app into its own widget, i.e., home screen, login screen, profile screen, etc. Doing so will make navigating between screens easy. We will cover multi-screen apps and navigation between screens very soon.

Your screen should look like this:

app with pug picture and placeholder

Adding a Stateful widget and it’s State class

We will add some buttons to let the user upvote or downvote our pet and show the current vote tally every time a button is pressed. To do this, we will create our own Stateful widget composed of built-in widgets.

  1. Go a few lines below the closing/ending curly brace of HomeScreen and type stf. You will get a tooltip with a template “Flutter Stateful Widget”. Select that. Flutter Stateful Widget tooltip
  2. The new widget’s class name will be selected. Change it to VotingWidget.
  3. You should see that two new classes have been created: one that extends StatefulWidget and one that extends State<VotingWidget>. VotingWidget stateful widget after templating

You may be asking “Why are there two classes instead of one like with StatelessWidgets?” If you’re not asking that, skip to the next paragraph. The short answer is that all Widgets in Flutter are immutable by design. The immutability helps the building/rendering of widgets into elements on the screen to be as fast as possible. However, the whole point of StatefulWidgets is to be able to change their contents, i.e., to be mutable. But that’s not in the cards. So, the build() method of the Stateful widgets is extracted into the State class, which is where we will do the work of specifying what the widget looks like.

Important notes on the Stateful widget and it’s State class

Adding buttons and a counter

Okay, finally time to build our widget.

  1. First, change the const Placeholder() line in your HomeScreen widget’s build() method to const VotingWidget() so we’re actually drawing our new Stateful widget on the screen. You won’t see anything other than the dog and its name for now.
  2. Paste or type in the following code for your _VotingWidgetState:

     class _VotingWidgetState extends State<VotingWidget> {
       int count = 0;
       // build() methods must return some sort of Widget.
       // That widget can be composed of many children.
       Widget build(BuildContext context) {
         // We return a Row. The Row has three children: the minus button, the count, and the plus button
         return Row(mainAxisAlignment:, children: [
             icon: const Icon(Icons.remove_circle), // minus sign icon
             iconSize: 30,
             color: Colors.amber,
             onPressed: () {}, // work to do here
             style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.amber, fontSize: 18),
             icon: const Icon(Icons.add_circle), //plus sign icon
             iconSize: 30,
             color: Colors.amber,
             onPressed: () {}, // work to do here

Run your app. You should see the following:

app with pug picture and placehold

Let’s explain this:

  1. We will use variable int count = 0; in the _VotingWidgetState class to track the number of votes for the dog. This is the “state” that we care about. There is nothing special about this variable other than its value is used when our Text widget is rendered. You can have more than one state variable.
  2. The Row widget is what the method returns. The Row widget is composed of three children.
  3. The minus button and the plus button are IconButtons. Right now, they don’t do anything other than look nice.
  4. The Text widget displays the value of the count class variable (the state). count is initialized to 0 so that is what you see. This is a key element of a StatefulWidget – some part of the widgets in the the build method must depend on the value(s) of the class variable(s).

Pressing the - or + buttons currently does not do anything. We are not updating the state. We need to write logic for that.

Updating the state and the widget on button press

The IconButton constructor has a parameter called onPressed. This parameter takes as its value a function (yes, you can pass functions as values in Dart) that will execute when the user presses the button.

If the concept of passing a function as an argument hurts your brain, you’re not alone. Think of it as passing a sheet of paper with a set of instructions on it. You’re telling the button “perform these instructions when you get pressed”. Once you can get comfortable with that concept, you have taken a huge leap is a programmer. But don’t stress about it – you’ve got time.

Right now, our IconButtons have an argument that looks like onPressed: () {},. The () is where function parameters would go, and the {} are where the function body goes. The functions you pass to onPressed have no parameters, hence the empty (). Dart still needs the empty () to know that you are passing a function. Inside the {} is where we write the code that updates the state and tells Flutter to redraw the widget.

Replace your _VotingWidgetState class to the following:

class _VotingWidgetState extends State<VotingWidget> {
  int count = 0;
  // build() methods must return some sort of Widget.
  // That widget can be composed of many children.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // We return a Row. The Row has three children: the minus button, the count, and the plus button
    return Row(mainAxisAlignment:, children: [
        icon: const Icon(Icons.remove_circle), // minus sign icon
        iconSize: 30,
        color: Colors.amber,
        onPressed: () {
          setState(() {
        }, // work to do here
        style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.amber, fontSize: 18),
        icon: const Icon(Icons.add_circle), // plus sign icon
        iconSize: 30,
        color: Colors.amber,
        onPressed: () {
          setState(() {
        }, // work to do here

The only things we have changed are that we now specify two anonymous functions that are passed to the onPressed: parameter of the IconButtons. They are anonymous functions because they don’t have a name – only code. The code we pass will only be executed when the button is pressed.

Again, think of the anonymous function as a recipe to be executed when the button is pressed. What does this recipe say to do? It says “call this other function setState(), which takes as a parameter yet another anonymous function that changes the count variable. Ugh. Thanks Flutter.

setState() is the other key element of a stateful widget. This method is inherited from the StatefulWidget class and tells Flutter to re-draw the widget. Re-drawing means that build is called again. Because the Text widget uses the current value of count, the re-drawn Text widget will contain the updated count value. The count++; and count--; statements increment and decrement the count variable respectively. These statements appear inside the anonymous function that is the parameter to setState(). This is Flutter’s convention - put the code that actually changes the state in this call. Why does this look so horrible? Because the Flutter devs hate you probably… But, if you can keep your parentheses and curly braces straight, you’ll get the hang of it eventually.

And now the fun part! Click the buttons! If everything is done properly, you should see the counter change on the screen when you press the buttons. There is a logical flaw in the implementation in that the counter can go below 0, and it is left as an excercise to the reader to fix that flaw by writing a simple if-statement to not decrement below 0. Or don’t fix it – maybe you really hate Rodrigo.

Why not make everything a stateful widget?

The main reason is performance. Asking a widget to create an element, and then to actually draw the pixels on the screen is much more computationally expensive than your typical code. Flutter can optimize around the fact that Stateless widgets won’t change once on the screen. With a Stateful widget, Flutter may have to redraw that widget and all its children multiple times.

Key Takeaways
